<script type="text/javascript">
/* Copyright Richard Cornford 2004. May be freely used, unaltered*
and in full, by non-profit making secular
organisations/bodies/individuals. May only be used
when this copyright statement is included in distribution.
*The condition that the code not be altered does not extend to the
image files used with the script, and so does not include the
contents of the array defining the images.
var pics = [
["",6 ,7,8]
var global = this;
var numberOfflakes = 15;
var windowState,flakeObjs, flakeHTML;
var posMod, sy, sx, clientHeight, clientWidth,topPosition;
var globalName = 'snowField'; //used for string argument only setTimeout fall-back.
var widths = new Array(numberOfflakes),heights = new Array(numberOfflakes);
var runCount = 0, runFor = 100000000 //number of seconds to run befor shutting down.
flakeHTML = [
'<layer id=\"outFlake','',
'\" left=\"0\" top=\"0\" width=\"','',
'\" height=\"','',
'\" visibility=\"hide\"><layer id=\"midFlake','',
'\" left=\"0\" top=\"0\" width=\"','',
'\" height=\"','',
'\" visibility=\"hide\"><layer id=\"inFlake','',
'\" left=\"0\" top=\"0\" width=\"','',
'\" height=\"','',
'\"><img src=\"','',
'\" width=\"','',
'\" height=\"','',
'\" visibility=\"hide\"><\/layer><\/layer><\/layer>'];
flakeHTML = [
'<div id="outFlake','', //1
'" style="position:absolute; z-index: 1000; width:','', //3
'px;overflow:hidden;height:','', //5
'px;font-size:1px;visibility:hidden;\"><div id="midFlake','', //7
'" style="position:absolute;width:','', //9
'px;overflow:hidden;height:','', //11
'px;font-size:1px;visibility:hidden;\"><div id="inFlake','', //13
'" style="position:relative;width:','', //15
'px;overflow:hidden;height:','', //17
'px;font-size:1px;visibility:hidden;\"><img src=\"','', //19
'\" width=\"','', //21
'\" height=\"','', //23
for(var c = numberOfflakes;c--;){
var picAr = pics[((Math.random()*pics.length)|0)%pics.length];
widths[c] = (flakeHTML[21] = (flakeHTML[3] = (flakeHTML[9] = (flakeHTML[15] = picAr[1]))));
heights[c] = (flakeHTML[23] = (flakeHTML[5] = (flakeHTML[11] = (flakeHTML[17] = picAr[2]))));
flakeHTML[19] = picAr[0];
flakeHTML[13] = flakeHTML[7] = (flakeHTML[1] = c);
function compatModeTest(obj){
if((document.compatMode)&&(document.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') != -1)&&(document.documentElement)){
return document.documentElement;
}else if(document.body){
return document.body;
return obj;
function getWindowState(){
var global = this;
var readScroll = {scrollLeft:NaN,scrollTop:NaN};
var readSizeC = {clientWidth:NaN,clientHeight:NaN};
var readSizeI = {innerWidth:NaN,innerHeight:NaN};
var readScrollX = 'scrollLeft';
var readScrollY = 'scrollTop';
function getWidthI(){return readSizeI.innerWidth;}
function getWidthC(){return readSizeC.clientWidth|0;}
function getHeightI(){return readSizeI.innerHeight;}
function getHeightC(){return readSizeC.clientHeight|0;}
function getHeightSmart(){return retSmaller(getHeightI(), getHeightC());}
function getWidthSmart(){return retSmaller(getWidthI(), getWidthC());}
function setInnerWH(){
theOne.getWidth = getWidthI;
theOne.getHeight = getHeightI;
function retSmaller(inr, other){
if(other > inr){
return inr;
return other;
var theOne = {
getScrollX:function(){return readScroll[readScrollX]|0;},
getScrollY:function(){return readScroll[readScrollY]|0;},
function main(){return theOne;}
function rankObj(testObj){
var dv,dhN;
if(testObj&&(typeof testObj.clientWidth == 'number')&&(typeof testObj.clientHeight == 'number')){
if(((dv = global.innerHeight - testObj.clientHeight) >= 0)&&((dh = global.innerWidth - testObj.clientWidth) >= 0)){
if(dh == dv){
return 0;
}else if((dh&&!dv)||(dv&&!dh)){
return (dh+dv);
return NaN;
if((typeof global.innerHeight == 'number')&&(typeof global.innerWidth == 'number')){
readSizeI = global;
var bodyRank = rankObj(document.body);
var rankDocEl = rankObj(document.documentElement);
var selEl = null;
if(bodyRank < rankDocEl){
selEl = document.body;
}else if(bodyRank > rankDocEl){
selEl = document.documentElement;
selEl = compatModeTest(document.body);
selEl = document.body;
}else if(!isNaN(rankDocEl)){
selEl = document.documentElement;
readSizeC = selEl
theOne.getWidth = getWidthSmart;
theOne.getHeight = getHeightSmart;
readSizeC = compatModeTest(readSizeC);
if((typeof global.pageYOffset == 'number')&&(typeof global.pageXOffset == 'number')){
readScroll = global;
readScrollY = 'pageYOffset';
readScrollX = 'pageXOffset';
readScroll = compatModeTest(readScroll);
return (getWindowState = main)();
function readWindow(){
clientHeight = windowState.getHeight() - 2;
clientWidth = windowState.getWidth() - 2;
sy = windowState.getScrollY() + 1;
sx = windowState.getScrollX() + 1;
function getStyleObj(id, outer){
var obj = null;
obj = document.getElementById(id);
}else if(document.all){
obj = document.all[id];
}else if(document.layers){
obj = document.layers[id];
obj = outer.document.layers[id];
return (obj && || obj;
var cosAr = [];
var angleStep = Math.PI/90;
for(var c = 0;c <= 180;c++){
cosAr[c] = Math.cos(c*angleStep)
function FlakeObj(id, parent){
var next;
var outerDivClip, outerDiv = getStyleObj("outFlake"+id);
var midDivClip, midDiv = getStyleObj("midFlake"+id, outerDiv);
var innerDivClip, innerDiv = getStyleObj("inFlake"+id, midDiv);
var y = 0,x = 0,cx,cy,s1,s2;
var w = widths[id],h = heights[id],returnObj = this;
topPosition = clientHeight;
function setPos(){
var temp, ouTop = 0,ouLeft = 0,ouW = 0,ouH = 0,inTop = 0,inLeft = 0;
var xPlusW = x + w;
var yPlusH = y + h;
if((xPlusW >= 0)&&(yPlusH >= 0)&&(x < clientWidth)&&(y < clientHeight)){
if(y >= 0){
ouTop = (y < clientHeight)?y:0;
ouH = ((yPlusH) >= clientHeight)?(clientHeight - y):h;
inTop = y;
ouH = yPlusH;
if(x >= 0){
ouLeft = (x < clientWidth)?x:0;
ouW = ((xPlusW) >= clientWidth)?(clientWidth - x):w;
inLeft = x;
ouW = xPlusW;
outerDiv.visibility = 'visible';
outerDiv.visibility = 'hidden';
outerDivClip.width = (outerDiv.pixelWidth = ouW)+posMod;
//innerDiv.left = inLeft+posMod;
midDiv.left = inLeft+posMod;
outerDivClip.height = (outerDiv.pixelHeight = ouH)+posMod;
// = inTop+posMod; = inTop+posMod;
midDivClip.width = (midDiv.pixelWidth = ((-1*inLeft) + (temp = (ouW-inLeft))))+posMod;
innerDivClip.width = (innerDiv.pixelWidth = temp)+posMod;
outerDiv.left = (sx+ouLeft)+posMod;
midDivClip.height = (midDiv.pixelHeight = ((-1*inTop) + (temp = (ouH-inTop))))+posMod;
innerDivClip.height = (innerDiv.pixelHeight = temp)+posMod; = (sy+ouTop)+posMod;
(this.reset = function(){
if(runCount > runFor)returnObj = next;
y = -(((Math.random()*topPosition)+h)|0);
x = w+((Math.random()*(clientWidth-(w<<1)))|0);
cx = Math.random()*3;
cy = (7 - cx)|0; //rate of fall
cx = (cx + 3)|0; //sideways drift
s1 = (Math.random()*180)|0;
s2 = 1+((Math.random()*4)|0);
outerDivClip = (outerDiv && (typeof outerDiv.clip != 'string') && outerDiv.clip)||outerDiv;
midDivClip = (midDiv && (typeof midDiv.clip != 'string') && midDiv.clip)||midDiv;
innerDivClip = (innerDiv && (typeof innerDiv.clip != 'string') && innerDiv.clip)||innerDiv;
this.position = function(){
y += cy;
x += (cx * cosAr[(s1 = ((s1 + s2)%180))])|0;
if(y >= clientHeight){
next = next.position();
return returnObj;
innerDiv.visibility = (outerDiv.visibility = 'visible');
this.position = function(){return;};
this.toString = function(){
return 'cd '+id+' x = '+x+' y = '+y+' cx = '+cx+' s2 = '+s2+' s1 = '+s1+'\n'+next.toString();
if(++id < numberOfflakes){
next = new FlakeObj(id, parent)
topPosition = (clientHeight>>3);
next = parent
function init(){
var stRef;
if(!(stRef = getStyleObj("outFlake"+(numberOfflakes-1)))){
setTimeout(init, 200);
windowState = getWindowState();
posMod = (typeof == 'string')?'px':0;
flakeObjs = new FlakeObj(0, init);
runFor *= 1000;
init.position = function(){return this;}
init.act = function(){
flakeObjs = flakeObjs.position();
if(flakeObjs != init)setTimeout(init.act,60);
runCount += 60;
init.act.toString = function(){return globalName+'.act()';};
init.toString = function(){
while((global[globalName])&&(global[globalName] != this)){globalName += globalName};
global[globalName] = this; //this - is the init function.
return globalName+'()';
setTimeout(init, 200);
</script> |